Mufindi Highlands Flowers

Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is indigenous to Mexico.  Here it can grow to 10 feet and become very colorful. The colored bracts which are often mistake for flower petals are actually leaves.
Poinsettia flower.
A flower from the Aloea genus of which there are over 500 species of succulent plants native to tropical and southern Africa, Madagascar Jordan and the Arabian Peninsula. 
This tiny flower bloomed during the dry season. I could never find its leaves.
Hollyhocks with giant carpenter bee, maybe Xylocopa nigrita .
Scadoxus multiflorus is a bulbous plant native to most of sub-Saharan Africa. It is strongly toxic and is used as a component of arrow poisons and fish poisons.  African blood or fireball lily.
Brugmansia aurea, the golden angel’s trumpet, is in the family Solonacea. It is endemic to Ecuador.  It grows very rapidly and can reach 6 feet in a year from a cutting.
Jacaranda mimosifolia (jacaranda) is a widely planted species from a genus with 49 species in the Bignoniaceae family native to tropical and subtropical regions of Latin America and the Caribbean. It bloom around Christmas.
Erythrina abyssinica is a tree species in the Fabaceae family.  It is a leguminous species native to East Africa. Swahili: muhuti, mjafari, mwamba ngoma, mbamba ngoma.

Author: swhallgren

Peace Corps Volunteer Tanzania

2 thoughts on “Mufindi Highlands Flowers”

  1. Steve, thanks for another special view of Tanzania via its flowers, much appreciated. We’ve seen Pointsettias that big and bigger on Maui, and the blue flower with white background and black splotches is reminiscent of a California native, Baby Blue Eye, though it’s highly doubtful it’s traveled that far. Maya introduced us to the INaturalist app which I’m going to use to try to identify some of the other unnamed ones. —Kate


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